Why is ChatGPT much better than any learning solution?

Nicolas MARTIN
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2023


The learning process is very complex. Any subject needs concentration, memorization, and communication. This article explains why ChatGPT is the greatest learning solution today thanks to its dynamic approach.

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The problems with current learning solutions

Schools, Universities, and Training companies have the same learning system, based on a professor or an expert that teaches a subject to several persons.

However, they follow a linear learning path that is sometimes difficult to understand and requires much attention.

Even online videos that ease the access to learn something follow the same rule.

Everyone also has different knowledge, and some parts of the course could be boring to repeat.

This also applies to instructors: They don’t have the same teaching skills or knowledge on every topic. Teaching requires great talent, overall in scientific areas that are difficult to conceive.

On the other side, even if human interaction is very important, it is impossible to ask the professor many questions, not to mention the different psychological profiles among the pupils: many don’t dare to ask things because there are shy or because there is limited time.

ChatGPT erases this problem with a revolutionary feature: the conversation.

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Conversation is everything

The most successful Youtuber Mr. Beast has millions of subscribers thanks to a main advantage: He made conversations with other YouTubers in meetings to improve their videos continually.

Several brains are better than one, and ChatGPT collects billions of data originally processed by billions of brains.

Consequently, discussing with ChatGPT is like discussing with many experts, without following a linear path. Instead of following a pre-defined learning path, anyone can define his own one, thanks to ChatGPT’s conversation system.

ChatGPT explains things concisely and clearly, which only some instructors are able to do. It can adapt the answer to the level of knowledge. It can explain complex things like the Shanon Entropy to a Ph. D or a 6 years-old child.

ChatGPT is a dynamic way to learn anything. Do you want more precision about a topic? Just ask ChatGPT if it was any professor. Do you want another example to imagine how something complex works? ChatGPT is also able to answer. And all of this for free.

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Limits of ChatGPT

Of course, many people argue that ChatGPT could make mistakes in an advanced topic like coding complex programs. ChatGPT is (still) not the tool to solve any problem, but it is able to answer most of them.

We are in early 2023, and remember that this is just the beginning. Thanks to the feedback from millions of users, ChatGPT will undoubtfully improve with time, including features like vocal chat. Eventually, there will be users that will master it and users who don’t. The users who master ChatGPT from the beginning to learn, solve problems or invent things clearly have a competitive advantage.


As Full Stack Data Scientist, I have to solve complex problems by learning many things, only sometimes interesting to learn. ChatGPT has clearly improved my learning speed because I can ask any specific question with a path I choose.

Anyone has different background when learning something, and so are the learning paths, and ChatGPT is a perfect tool to adapt to this reality.

Thanks to ChatGPT, it is much easier to learn anything. Undoubtfully, there will be people in the future who will master many skills. This would reduce company sizes. However, by easing skills mastery, ChatGPT will create many small companies able to tackle challenges that were impossible to solve in the past.



Nicolas MARTIN
Nerd For Tech

Full Stack Data Scientist. Topics: Deep learning, mathematics, manufacturing engineering, history. Creator of https://www.airoomstyles.com